
Man of the hour, President TRUMP, our POTUS…the crowd loves him and we love him….he is making history and helping the American people.

War Dog 6 Actual: Rumor Control

Check out @realDonaldTrump’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/955658992793149440?ref_src=twcamp%5Eshare%7Ctwsrc%5Eandroid%7Ctwgr%5Edefault%7Ctwcon%5E7090%7Ctwterm%5E2

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This is Iran/Contra all over again….don’t you just love the way they explain WHY we have never shut down the poppy fields, or WHY we have never prosecuted anyone for trafficking…………OH, and BTW, where is all that money going………….you know, the profits from the poppy production, the Taliban didn’t take it all….WE KNOW THAT!…….SO EXACTLY WHERE DID THE MONEY GO?………..did it perhaps find it’s way to Al Gore’s house, or Maxine Waters, or Not so sharp’s house, …….oh I have it figured out……that money from the poppy production went into that Congressional Slush Fund For Sexual Deviants……that is where that money went…to pay for all their legal fees(should be called “illegal” fees). The money was put into our gov’t, and then diced up…..and somewhere along the line……our congressmen/women…..got some funds…now you can take that to the bank…..along with all the elites….you see, if you just step back and look at the big picture, you will figure this thing out………..99% of DC is on the elites payroll…….HRC wasn’t worried about criminal charges…you heard her say “at this point, what difference does it make”, if your life hung in the balance – would you be talking like that …….no, NOT unless I knew the fix was it………………you people don’t get it………………………..the fix was already in!……just like with the poppy production…………….a duplicate of Iran/Contra, only richer and bigger and longer lasting……..wonder if old ollie got his cut………we sure know GHWB got his………and sure that ‘o’ got his…………….the rest of us, GOT LEFT OUT!………….#DRAINTHESWAMP……..#MAGA……we need out country back! We need law and order in DC……….


Afghan poppy farmers extract raw opium from poppy heads in fields in Zhera disrict west of Kandahar

Commander In Chief Donald Trump is bombing the heck out of the CIA’S Opium Labs – thwarting all the cartel dollars and taking over the corrupt C.I.A.  For those of you out there who had been saying things like “Psyop – If that Marine Troops were at CIA in Langley why didn’t we know about it?  Where are the pictures?”  Good grief!  President Trump said many times on the campaign trail and in televised debates (several of them) that when he is President he will take care of the problems and, “You won’t know what I’m going to do.  That’s stupid to tell the enemy on this day at this time…we are going to fly over and bomb you.”  He said when he was president he would take care of the problems and you will hear about it after it happens.  I will protect America.


Today, the chief prosecutor of…

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VIDEO Pedophilia Is the New Normal: The Anti-Christian Movement Is Led by Google, Netflix – Whistleblower Beware

The entertainment industry, the gov’t offices, Washington, DC use the sex trade in dealing with other countries and their elites, the sex services are offered and then used as blackmail evidence to get them the power they want and need to control us…please take a look at what is going on….educate yourself to what is happening in your world…….if for no other reason than to protect your own children…


VIDEO Cult ‘Pizzagate’ About To Explode – Deep State Secret Societies: Skull & Bones, Bohemians, Illuminati

President TRUMP is on the rampage to destroy the deep state, and many are awakening to a new day……help take down this awful mess, that has nearly destroyed society as we know it…..prayer for those caught in this trap is a must……these articles are truth and the truth needs to be known to the public…..We are fighting demonic spirits…..Thanks for this post.

Update Your Avatar on WordPress.com

Great new addition, thank you WordPress…I love it!
Emily Bernstein a/k/a TheFinder

WordPress.com News

We’ve given one of our favorite features a boost! You can now manage your profile photo, or avatar, right on WordPress.com. This avatar, powered by a service called Gravatar, is the image that represents you online — a thumbnail that appears next to your name when you interact on blogs and websites. With this recently refined feature, you can upload, edit, and update your avatar at wordpress.com/me.

Your avatar shows up in many places on WordPress.com. For example, you’ll see it on your site next to your blog posts:

And when you like someone’s post:

Or when you comment on a post:

As you can see, your avatar helps to establish your identity and credibility on WordPress.com — but also across the internet. It will also appear on other websites that use Gravatar, like Stack Overflow and Hootsuite. This means that you don’t have to re-upload…

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UN Forces on American Soil!

UN Forces on American Soil!


“While Obama was in office, he allowed the United Nations to start establishing a presence within American cities with a global police force, sneaking his plot to give America’s sovereignty away under the guise of a organization called the Strong Cities Network. This unconstitutional move was largely criticized by patriotic groups, as the Constitution requires a treaty before allowing any foreign military presence to base itself on American soil. In a shocking move, the United Nations is now using Charlottesville incident as a way to grab power in our country, and unconstitutionally take over one of our cities.”

Every day we are seeing more and more requests for the UN Forces to appear on American soil.  This is coming largely from the left, the demonicRATS, who want to have globalization and the NWO so bad that they are willing to sacrifice everyone of us for the sake of their ideology…..NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

We have fought some very hard wars recently, and in the past, we are not about to lay down for this, or even sit still, we are avidly admonishing everyone to take heed, lest we be faced with the UN…..there is a story behind this……..

You see, the plan was to have Hillary win the election then she had agreed to appoint Oblummer as head of the UN…this was their private agreement…….

Well, guess what happened………oh, you know the rest of the story……so now, they are trying to cause enough rukus so that POTUS will have to declare martial law…..that is why this is so confusing………we are NOT going to allow them to do this to us…we are going to remain calm….and we are going…..to let our leader, President TRUMP tell us what is happening……

If we get into conflicts with the left, especially the protestors and the Antifa and the BLM, then we become one, fighting for ideas….no no no….we do not want to get caught up in this quagmire….because, we will suffer……

Instead, listen for the call from POTUS himself…if it is needed we STAND at the READY!

When the signal is given then we will act…..they will be totally surprised, because you see we have been preparing for this for a long time…….

We are not racists, we are not white supremacists, we come in all colors, and ethnicities, we stand at the ready to wage war, if we have to, and if our leader, POTUS calls for us.

Never underestimate your enemy, know them and make plans. God is in control and we have the advantage….stay prayed up and listen to the good and true news, everyday….do not let the social media, or the news media distort the facts, YOU are smarter than that. so get yourselves together….

First, you will need to listen to people we know what is happening, and they are out there, please take note…..Unite America First….with Will Johnson is a good place to start, he has multiple videos at Youtube.com………Also, Scott Kesterson, CEO of The American Brand….please get with these people and listen to them….if you can volunteer, now is the time…..

I appreciate all my readers and listeners, stay tuned for more info..and read, research, be in the know, so that when they ask, you will have an answer…….only the TRUTH, shall set you free!

TheFinderGroup page on Facebook


Twitter: The Musingly

Let’s continue the good fight….#LETFREEDOMRING….





The American Brand….the whisperer

I have recently found an interesting group called The American Brand. This is an idea, whose time has come…..we are living in a chaotic world right now due to the fact nobody knows really what is going on except that President TRUMP won and HRC didn’t and they are mad……….that was the event that triggered the set off of all militant, disenfranchised, poor, welfare suckers, lazy don’t want to do anything people into the chaos we are living through right now….

A little bit of history here……this started some time ago many many years ago, to be exact. The idea of the NWO has been around for sometime, but then GHW Bush decided to make it his mantra….you know his handlers helped that situation…..They want to globalize their control of the masses…you know that is those of us that work a 9-5 and they think, we don’t know anything…..we just work and send them our money…..

Now comes 2016 election….and President TRUMP amazes the world, and takes the election votes by storm….and the after being revived(from their fainting spell, i.e., HRC), they revive themselves and start harassing the sitting president, President Donald J. TRUMP.

The plot thickens now……when President TRUMP starts making things happen, help the Vets, puts people back to work, etc, etc., they get worried…then they start rebel rousing, whispers here, whispers there, then they want to impeach our sitting President TRUMP, for what, you ask?….no reason, just that when President TRUMP starts making waves in the right direction, like jobs, stock market, etc., they get worried so they have to step up their game……..while Americans, or should I say the “sheeple” are still asleep on the couch…..

Now, they have drug out every lowlife democRAT to aid them in throwing mud at President TRUMP.  Well now, 63,000,000+ voters are not going to sit still for this…so we organize into groups on social media to fight back…..

The left is paralyzed for a moment, then they incorporate all the left thinking liberal outfits they can find and hide behind and use them as fronts for their chaos…they start protesting, blocking roads, stick carrying psychos, willing to do anything for a buck….prostituting themselves and their lives for a few measly dollars……..for someone else’s cause, so someone else will get the BIG BUCKS….lol….sounds crazy, but it is real!

So the American voters that want our country to remain FREE, that don’t want globalization, that don’t want the NWO have taken a stand against these criminals and formed our own organization….which may be the next political party, who knows for sure……

The message is clear, non violent, no protesting, no marching, no screaming, no removal of statues, we are in the background (whispering), working to make changes……..at the grassroots level…….we have people from all over the country, doing what they do best and we are utilizing their talents to further the message, we are not going down like this……..

Join us and make your voice heard…..http://www.theamericanbrand.org….or find us on Twitter @XpeditionRED…or on Facebook, as theamericanbrand………we are not hiding, we are contributing our time and energy to #MAGA……..we need your help…..if you think you would like to listen go to Youtube and watch our videos, you WILL be impressed……..

If you believe in the Constitution and you want the First Amendment to stay in place, we must band together to stop the Obstructionist that are now advocating that our history be destroyed.

We are working in the background to help President TRUMP #DRAINTHESWAMP!

